Political football must stop
Politicians need to put the greater good of the country at the forefront and focus on the retirement savings of Australians, the political football must stop.
In a great article by Darren Howard of Merit Wealth East, he details some statistics of superannuation and savings in Australia. Darren is an SMSF Specialist and veteran of the industry, in his article he looks at what the accounting fraternity won't tell, although the underlying statistics to us are of what are real concern.
Read his article here:
We particularly like point 4 in his article:
"There are currently 23 retirees to 100 workers at present. This will rise to approx. 30 by 2050. Accordingly, something has to give. If we don’t see a rise in the number of self funded retirees, the alternative is increased taxation and reduced welfare, neither of which are popular political agendas." Darren Howard
Surely statistics like this re-enforce the critical importance of financial coaching and quality financial advice from qualified professionals.
Governments should be advocating and supporting the Financial Planning industry - not throwing it around like a political football for short term points scoring and political gain.
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