Financial Adviser – Equity / Revenue Share
Leverage your client advice relationships and grow your revenue and equity share.

Professional Services Firm, CBD Offices
Retainer and qualified leads
Corporate AR Model
80/20% split plus costs
This firm represents a NextGen technology enabled financial services firm offering personal advice on tax, accounting, investments, insurance and full advice.
Part of a small high performance team as the Financial Adviser you will enjoy modern corporate facilities and marketing, plus qualified client leads through the firms accounting division.
On joining the business the successful applicant will manage the hand-over of a small group of existing fee for service clients generating circa $100k.
All operations are managed for you, with market leading proprietary Financial Planning software, admin support and outsourced paraplanning all integrated.
Your role will be to manage the existing client relationships, advise and on-board referred clients, and generate business through your existing relationships/or new channels developed.
The business runs a corporate representative model which offers huge benefits, although the role has only the responsibilities of a typical salaried role. The model includes pay for use services that you cover via an 80% split to you on all client revenue. All clients of the business allow you full servicing rights, plus all clients you develop are flagged and owned by you.
In effect you will be largely funded from the existing clients and leads provided, to build your own equity stake via client relationships/revenue you develop yourself.
A retainer will be negotiated with the successful applicant commensurate with existing clients or clear sight of relationships held.
Please contact us for details and to discuss how your circumstances will apply to this role.